YouClass Learning Center Terms and Conditions


All references in this document to “Client”, “you”, or “your” refer to the individual(s) who have accepted or proposes to accept products or services by YouClass Learning Center or its affiliates (collectively referred to as “YCLC”.)

Tuition fees are payable 7 days before commencement of the first lesson. An invoice will be sent out before the first lesson. Fees will not be refunded if the student decides to withdraw from YCLC before the completion of enrolled course.

The registration fee, administrative fee and course materials fee are non-refundable.

Upon approval by the management, you/your child may change to another subject of interest.

Consent is hereby given for YCLC to collect (including by way of recorded voice calls), use and disclose the Client’s personal data for purposes reasonably required by YCLC in order to provide the products or services to the Client.

YCLC reserves the right to use the student’s name, written work, academic results, voice, likeness, photographs and audio/visual recordings in which the student may appear in for newspapers, brochures, videos, or other promotional materials without further notice or compensation.

YCLC is hereby granted a license, and may, at its discretion, display, publish, transmit, edit or alter these materials for such purposes.

YCLC reserves the right to re-schedule any classes according to its discretion.

Upon confirmation, you/your child may change the schedule only upon approval by the management.

YCLC reserves the right to terminate the registration of you/your child as a last resort in the event if:

  • he/she is found to have severe disciplinary problems
  • acts of physical, verbal violence or harassment from the student, parent or guardian occur

You / your child must actively participate in the programmes and duly complete all assignments set by the tutor, in order to fully benefit from the lessons.


YouClass reserves the right to assign/replace teachers by giving one week’s notice of such assignment/replacement. YouClass endeavors to assign/replace teachers of equal standing in terms of quality and qualifications in such cases. YouClass’s decision on this matter is final and no negotiations shall be entertained.

In consideration of YCLC providing its services to students at its premises, you/your child hereby agree(s) to undertake all the risk and liability arising from your/your child’s use of the premises. Neither YCLC nor its employees, agents and representatives shall be liable for any loss, damages, expenses or personal injury of any person which may arise as a result of your/your child’s use of the premises.

YCLC does not take responsibility for the loss of personal belongings within its premises (resulting from theft, fire or injury).

 You/your child undertakes not to make copies or allow copies to be made of material and/or documents used during lessons. Any reproduction or disclosure of such materials and/or documents requires the prior written consent of YCLC.

In the interest of health safety, students suffering from infectious/contagious illnesses are strictly advised to stay at home. These include fever, flu, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, hand- foot-mouth disease, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc. A child with any of the above except flu and fever would need to produce a written certification from a certified doctor confirming that the child has fully recovered from the illness before he/she will be allowed to resume attendance at YCLC.

Should you/your child fall sick or feel unwell during operation hours, YCLC reserves the right to send the sick person home or to a nearby clinic for consultation where necessary and all expenses incurred (medical fees, transport, etc.) will be borne by the parents/guardian.

Students are to produce a proof of absence when they miss a lesson in order to arrange for a make-up lesson. Should the student not able to produce proof of absence for missing the lessons, no further make-up lesson shall be arranged.

Rescheduling of classes / credit deduction

YouClass reserves the right to reschedule classes and replace teachers in the event that the teacher concerned falling ill or become unavailable (Please refer to the above clause on Assignment / Replacement of Teachers). 2 alternative dates shall be provided for students to attend the rescheduled class. If the student did not attend these alternative dates the outstanding credit for the particular class shall be deducted.

Conditions allowed for rescheduling:

  1. Official school holidays – students to provide advance notice
  2. Planned school field trips – students are to provide advance notice
  3. Sick – students will be required to submit a medical certificate from a registered practitioner, failing which the credit concerned shall be deducted. TCM certificates are not acceptable.
  4. Last minute notifications by school to participate in CCA or other activities – students will be required to submit a school’s notification signed by the class teacher, failing which the credit concerned shall be deducted.

In the case of students being absent without notice, the credit for that day shall be deducted.

Course fees paid are not refundable in the event that students are unable to attend lessons. However, students may be offered up to a maximum of 3 replacement lessons, subject to availability, for each 3 month period.

Students shall still receive the lesson materials for the missed lessons.

Make-up lessons are subjected to approval by the management. The maximum number of times for make-up lessons for the entire duration of course are as stated:

  • Below 35 hours course – Maximum of 2 make up
  • Gold Member – Maximum of 3 make up
  • Platinum Member – Maximum of 5 make up
  • Diamond Member – Maximum of 8 make up
  • Black Diamond Member – Maximum of 10 make up Lessons will not be extended for late-comers.


In the event that the first lesson happens to fall on the week of the YCLC’s test, you / your child may choose to attend the following lesson. Should you / your child decide to attend the test, it shall be considered as one complete lesson.

Should you / your child decide to provide any feedback on YCLC, please approach YCLC’s front desk to proceed with the relevant procedures and follow-up.


YouClass shall treat all clients with utmost respect and shall endeavor to resolve all disputes amicably and the client shall reiterate with the same respect for all YouClass’s staff and teachers. The use of abusive language shall not be tolerated. All cases regarding the use of abusive language by either party shall be handed over to the authorities for investigation. Thereafter, all lessons shall be suspended pending the outcome from the authorities. Note that all verbal abuse cases fall under the Protection from Harassment Act (31st May 2015). 

YCLC reserves the right to make any amendments to the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice and will not be held liable for any damages that may occur from these amendments.


客户须在开课前 7 天支付学费,发票将于开课前发出。一旦付费手续完成,一切费用(包括但不限于注册费、管理费和课程材料费)将不予退还。

YCLC 有权使用您/您的孩子的肖像资料进行合法的媒体宣传。其中包括:名字、写作、成绩、通话录音、照片、视频和个人数据。

若发生以下情况,YCLC 有权终止您/您的孩子的课程:

  • 违反纪律
  • 与他人发生语言暴力或骚扰行为

在 YCLC 为学生提供服务的同时, 您/您的孩子使用该场地时可能会发生的一切风险和损失, YCLC 拥有解释权及最终决定权。




您/您的孩子承诺不复制 YCLC 教材中的内容和/或文件。任何复制或对外使用 YCLC 教学资料/或任何文件需要事先获得 YCLC 管理层的同意。

出于对公共健康安全的考虑,如果您/您的孩子在上课期间感觉有任何身体上的不适/患有任何传染性质的疾病,在必要时,YCLC 有权决定送您/您的孩子回家或到附近的诊所就诊,并建议在家休养直至完全康复。因此所产生的一切费用(医疗费,交通费等)将由父母/监护人支付。除了流感和发烧外,您的孩子都需要出示医生的书面证明以确保您/您的孩子已经完全康复,才可以继续上课。






  1. 学校放假 – 学生需要提前通知
  2. 学校的课外活动– 学生需提前通知
  3. 生病– 学生需提供有效的医生证明。如未能提供有效证明,课时将被扣除。


  1. 参加学校临时组织的课程辅助活动及其他活动–学生需提供负责老师签名的通知书,如未能提供有关证明,课时将被扣除。




  • 低于 35 小时的课程 – 最多 2 次补课
  • 金会员 – 最多 3 次补课
  • 白金会员 – 最多 5 次补课
  • 钻石会员 – 最多 8 次补课
  • 黑钻会员 – 最多 10 次补课



YCLC有权在不事先通知您/您的孩子的情况下对上述条款和条件作出修改。对此可能产生的任何变动, YCLC 拥有解释权及最终决定权。


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Last Name *
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Current Grade *
Country *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Current Grade *
Country *